Photo Repository Project
The Need
There is a deep commitment to capturing and honour the vibrant history and contributions of the Indigenous community in Ottawa over the last 20 years.
What We Did
The OAC launched the Photo Repository Project: Our Digital Bundle. This initiative supported OAC member organizations and community members to share the story of what the Indigenous community has built in Ottawa over the past 20 years through photos and captions. Each member organization has a unique narrative reflecting its origins and current impact.
This project is a celebration of our collective journey, honouring the rich history and vibrant spirit of the Indigenous community in Ottawa
Photo Bundles
About the Photo Repository
Community-Based Project
The Photo Repository Project, led by the Ottawa Aboriginal Coalition, is supported by its member organizations. We invite community members to contribute photos to the Photo Repository Project: Our Digital Bundle, with the necessary consents. Additional photos from the City of Ottawa Archives will also be included to enrich the project. Financial support for this initiative is provided through a one-time funding opportunity from the Ministry of Indigenous Affairs.
Our Digital Bundle
The OAC Photo Repository Project serves as a visual archive on a digital platform, capturing the achievements of the Indigenous community in Ottawa over the last two decades through images. It stands as a tribute to the strength and resilience of the community, celebrating those who have worked to create safer spaces, promote health and wellness, share laughter, pass down stories, and listen deeply. Each photograph holds a moment in time, telling stories that resonate and endure. These images are not merely ours to share; they belong to the community members and the OAC members from whom they originate.
OAC Member Organizations
The Photo Repository Project is supported by the members of the Ottawa Aboriginal Coalition and is led by the Ottawa Aboriginal Coalition. This digital bundle highlights key events and milestones in the history of each OAC member organization. While no timeline can capture every detail, it offers a meaningful narrative of their beginnings and current journeys.
City of Ottawa Archives
Since its inception, the Ottawa Aboriginal Coalition has established a partnership with the City of Ottawa. We are excited to feature photos from the City of Ottawa Archives in the Photo Repository Project: Our Digital Bundle. Special thanks to the City’s Archives Team and the Public Information Communications Branch for their support in this project.