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Request Form for Elder and Knowledge Keeper

​​To request an Elder and/or Knowledge Keeper for an event or gathering, please complete the form below at least two (2) weeks in advance. Once submitted, our Administrative Coordinator will review the request and forward it to Elders and Knowledge Keepers who have indicated their willingness to receive such requests.

If interested, they will contact you or your team directly using the information provided. This process ensures that Elders and Knowledge Keepers maintain full control over access to their contact information.

If you do not receive a response, it means that no one is available to accommodate your request at this time.

Event starts at:
Event ends at:
Is the Elder or Knowledge Keeper required to stay for the full event?
Do you have access to funding in order to compensate the Elder or Knowledge Keeper for their contributions?
If needed, are you able to cover any parking costs or arrange transportation (Taxi Chit/Pre-Paid Uber) for the Elder or Knowledge Keeper?
Do you have someone designated to meet the Elder or Knowledge Keeper when they arrive and/or support them at the event if needed?
When requesting guidance from a First Nation / Métis Elder or Knowledge Keeper, it is customary to offer ceremonial tobacco. For an Inuk Elder or Knowledge Keeper, Labrador tea is the customary offering. Will you have these items available?

If you said "yes" to the last question, please fill out the following information:

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